EMPEROR DESIGNS & PHOTO is Cesar Antonio Gonzalez Vides - A Freelance and InHouse Graphic Designer and Photographer that has a high mind on concepts for logo designs, illustrations, and photography work. Born and raised on the southeast side of Houston in Webster, TX near the Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center (NASA) he has been residing there for 24 years but has now moved into inner-city limits in Pasadena, TX
"Communication is key, it is the one thing we all need in life. Communication expresses our feelings, our expressions, all of the energy we have to spit out and say what we have in mind! The passion, and drive, the inspiration and creative concepts that the graphic design world has taught to me are eye-opening! From breaking it down to "drawing artistically" all the way to the "final digital revision" has amazed me and in awe when I was a kid in high school. It grew on to me from my peers and teachers and from there on it was all about reaching for the stars and full send, green light, and go. and through on the years by myself going through life's toughest obstacles and tribulations,."


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